Wedding Peach Music Bouquet 1
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Catalog ID | JAN Code | Release Date | Price |
KICA-256 | 4988003176358 | 23/08/1995 | ¥2913 + tax |
The first original soundtrack from the Wedding Peach anime TV series, consisting primarily of background music used in the first half of the show. The composer for all instrumental tracks on this album was Hasegawa Tomoki, with the OP/ED themes composed by Okazaki Ritsuko and Kudou Takashi respectively. All English translations are unofficial and should not be considered authoritative.
All files here are provided as samples only and absolutely no profit is made from them. Please do not share this music via monetised platforms.
Track # | Japanese Title | Romaji/English Title | Artist | Run Time |
01 | 夢見る愛天使 〈TVサイズ〉 | Yume Miru Ai Tenshi - TV Size (Dreaming Love Angels - TV Size) | FURIL | 1:33 |
02 | 学校に行きたくなる理由❤ | Gakkou ni Ikitaku Naru Riyuu❤ (Motive for Going to School) | Instrumental (Comp: Hasegawa Tomoki) | 2:50 |
03 | そして今日がはじまる | Soushite Kyou ga Hajimaru (Like That, Today Begins) | Instrumental (Comp: Hasegawa Tomoki) | 3:24 |
04 | もっともっと近くへ | Motto Motto Chikaku e (Moving Closer and Closer) | Instrumental (Comp: Hasegawa Tomoki) | 1:42 |
05 | 青春ちゃんなのだっ | Seishun-chan Nanoda (Youth-chan Y'know) | Instrumental (Comp: Hasegawa Tomoki) | 2:40 |
06 | あの空を見つめれば (まぶしい朝~トワイライト ~星空) | Ano Sora wo Mitsumereba (Mabushii Asa ~ Twilight ~ Hoshizora) If You Look at That Sky - Bright Morning - Twilight - Starry Sky) | Instrumental (Comp: Hasegawa Tomoki) | 3.32 |
07 | 悪魔界 | Akuma Kai (Devil World) | Instrumental (Comp: Hasegawa Tomoki) | 1:19 |
08 | WPブリッジ コレクション | WP Bridge Collection | Instrumental (Comp: Hasegawa Tomoki) | 1:13 |
09 | 迫りくる影 | Semarikuru Kage (Looming Shadow) | Instrumental (Comp: Hasegawa Tomoki) | 2:20 |
10 | 黒いミラージュ | Kuroi Mirage (Black Mirage) | Instrumental (Comp: Hasegawa Tomoki) | 3:17 |
11 | レインデビラ | Reine Devila | Instrumental (Comp: Hasegawa Tomoki) | 1:30 |
12 | 小さな胸に勇気を抱いて | Chiisana Mune ni Yuuki wo Daite (Holding Courage in this Small Breast) | Instrumental (Comp: Hasegawa Tomoki) | 1:08 |
13 | 21世紀のジュリエット | 21 Seiki no Juliet (Juliet of the 21st Century) | FURIL | 4:02 |
14 | WPブリッジ コレクションII | WP Bridge Collection II | Instrumental (Comp: Hasegawa Tomoki) | 0:22 |
15 | ミーハー仲間は無敵です | Miihaa Nakama wa Muteki desu (Follower Comrades are Invincible) | Instrumental (Comp: Hasegawa Tomoki) | 2:27 |
16 | アンニュイって感じかな… | Ennui-tte Kanji Kana... (Feeling like an Ennui) | Instrumental (Comp: Hasegawa Tomoki) | 2:46 |
17 | お色気?ローティーン | Oiroke? Low Teen (Erotic? Low Teen) | Instrumental (Comp: Hasegawa Tomoki) | 1:22 |
18 | 今は時計をはずして | Ima wa Tokei o Hazushite (Now to Remove the Watch) | Instrumental (Comp: Hasegawa Tomoki) | 3:09 |
19 | ひとりぼっちで泣かないで | Hitoribocchi de Nakanaide (Do Not Cry All Alone) | Instrumental (Comp: Hasegawa Tomoki) | 1:27 |
20 | 夢見る愛天使 | Yume Miru Ai Tenshi (Dreaming Love Angels) | FURIL | 4:09 |
21 | 天使界 | Tenshi Kai (Angel World) | Instrumental (Comp: Hasegawa Tomoki) | 1:16 |
22 | メッセージ・フロム ・リモーネ | Message from Limone | Instrumental (Comp: Hasegawa Tomoki) | 1:35 |
23 | 心のバージンロード | Kokoro no Virgin Road (Virgin Road of the Heart) | Instrumental (Comp: Hasegawa Tomoki) | 2:54 |
24 | 愛天使 光の中から | Ai Tenshi Hikari no Naka Kara (From the Light, a Love Angel) | Instrumental (Comp: Hasegawa Tomoki) | 2:16 |
25 | 倒すべき敵 | Taosu Beki Teki (The Enemy to Defeat) | Instrumental (Comp: Hasegawa Tomoki) | 2:56 |
26 | ピンチの中にチャンス を探せ | Pinch no Naka ni Chance o Sagase (Find a Chance in the Pinch) | Instrumental (Comp: Hasegawa Tomoki) | 2:48 |
27 | テーマ・オブ・ ウェディングピーチ | Theme of Wedding Peach | Instrumental (Comp: Hasegawa Tomoki) | 4:12 |
28 | テーマ・オブ・ エンジェルデイジー | Theme of Angel Daisy | Instrumental (Comp: Hasegawa Tomoki) | 2:48 |
29 | テーマ・オブ・ エンジェルリリィ | Theme of Angel Lily | Instrumental (Comp: Hasegawa Tomoki) | 2:02 |
30 | 愛は負けられない | Ai wa Makerarenai (Love Cannot be Defeated) | Instrumental (Comp: Hasegawa Tomoki) | 2:32 |
31 | 笑顔が明日を連れて来る | Egao ga Ashita wo Tsuretekuru (A Smile Will Bring Tomorrow) | Instrumental (Comp: Hasegawa Tomoki) | 1:26 |
32 | 夢見る愛天使 ~ Instrumental Version | Yume Miru Ai Tenshi ~ Instrumental Version (Dreaming Love Angels ~ Instrumental Version) | Instrumental (Comp: Okazaki Ritsuko) | 0:35 |
33 | 21世紀のジュリエット 〈TVサイズ〉 | 21 Seiki no Juliet - TV Size (Juliet of the 21st Century - TV Size) | FURIL | 1:14 |