elcome to Weddingpeach.net, a growing resource focused on the 1994-1997 Japanese multimedia franchise, Ai Tenshi Densetsu Wedding Peach. Here you will find English language information on the series, as well as a variety of rare images and music for your enjoyment. Please look around and have a wonderful stay.
Music – Wedding Peach FURIL


Wedding Peach FURIL

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Catalog IDJAN CodeRelease DatePrice

This is the FURIL group’s debut album and contains a variety of image songs along with three brief interludes performed by seiyuu Hikami Kyouko, Nogami Yukana, and Miyamura Yuuko. The first OP and ED songs stand out, though there are several other fun image songs as well.

Track #Japanese TitleRomaji/English TitleArtistRun Time
01Lucky & HappyLucky & HappyFURIL4:43
02あなたの天使になりたいAnata no Tenshi ni Naritai
(I Want to be Your Angel)
03Intermission,IIntermission INogami Yukana0:19
04あなたがいるからAnata ga Iru Kara
(Because You're There)
05ときめきながら For YouTokimeki Nagara For You
(While My Heart Pounds For You)
06夢見る愛天使Yume Miru Ai Tenshi
(Dreaming Love Angels)
07Intermission,IIIntermission IIHikami Kyouko0:14
08瞳の奥で抱きしめてHitomi no Oku de Dakishimete
(Hold Me Deep in Your Eyes)
09ずっと逢いたかったZutto Aitakatta
(I've Always Wanted to See You)
10Intermission,IIIIntermission IIIMiyamura Yuuko0:19
1121世紀のジュリエット21 Seiki no Juliet
(Juliet of the 21st Century)
12愛と美をこの胸にAi to Bi o Kono Mune
(Love and Beauty in This Chest)