The Wedding Peach animated TV series was broadcast between April 5th, 1995 and March 27th, 1996 during the Wednesday 6pm time slot on TV-Tokyo. The previous series that aired in this slot was the anime Blue Seed and after Wedding Peach concluded the short-lived Choukou Senshi Changéríon tokusatsu series took over. The time slot is probably best known to international viewers as being the home of fan-favourite anime series, Shoujo Kakumei Utena, during its original 1997 broadcast.
Wedding Peach ran for a total of 51 television episodes before later being compiled on Laser Disc, VHS, and DVD for home video release in Japan. For your reference, I’ve compiled a list of all the TV episode air dates, Japanese titles, and English titles. This list was created with reference to the Wedding Peach Secret File Art Book, the Japanese Wedding Peach Wiki page, and my copies of the US DVD release of the series from ADV Films.
Please note that although the English titles are fairly close to the original Japanese titles, the ADV release names are sometimes awkwardly phrased or perhaps not the most succinct interpretation of the Japanese equivalent. So don’t be shocked if the side-by-side titles aren’t 100% identical.
Episode Number | Japanese Title | English Title | Original Air Date |
01 | 祝! 愛天使誕生 | Celebrate! The Birth of the Love Angel | 05/04/1995 |
02 | あっぱれ! お色直し | Splendid! Bridal Dress Change | 12/04/1995 |
03 | ねらわれた花嫁 | The Targeted Bride | 19/04/1995 |
04 | エンジェルリリィ誕生 | Angel Lily is Born | 26/04/1995 |
05 | 3人目の愛天使 | The Third Love Angel | 03/05/1995 |
06 | じゃ魔ピーの逆襲 | Jama-P's Counterattack | 10/05/1995 |
07 | 食べすぎにご用心 | Take Care Against Eating Too Much | 17/05/1995 |
08 | パジャ魔と眠り姫 | Pajama and the Sleeping Princess | 24/05/1995 |
09 | 奪われたサムシングフォー | The Stolen Something Four | 31/05/1995 |
10 | お見事! 友情お色直し | Well Done! Friendship Renewal | 07/06/1995 |
11 | 時をかけるひなぎく | Time Traveling Hinagiku | 14/06/1995 |
12 | 美人悪魔の恋占い | The Beautiful Devil's Love Fortune Telling | 21/06/1995 |
13 | 勝負! 悪魔のPK戦 | Challenge! The Devil's Penalty Kick Battle | 28/06/1995 |
14 | 奪われた愛の指輪 | The Stolen Ring of Love | 05/07/1995 |
15 | 潜入! 悪魔の森 | Infiltration! The Devil's Forest | 12/07/1995 |
16 | 悪魔族の誇り | The Devil's Pride | 19/07/1995 |
17 | 聖花園学園の秘密 | The Secret of Saint Hanazono Campus | 26/07/1995 |
18 | 愛天使、夏休みも戦うわ! | Love Angels, We'll Fight, Even During Summer Vacation | 02/08/1995 |
19 | 真夏の夜の神秘 | Midsummer Night's Mystery | 09/08/1995 |
20 | 海辺のペンダント | Seaside Pendant | 16/08/1995 |
21 | ピアノよ響け星空に | Resound, Piano, To the Starry Sky | 23/08/1995 |
22 | ねらわれたじゃ魔ピー | Targeted Jama-P | 30/08/1995 |
23 | 初キスが奪われる! | My First Kiss is Going to be Stolen! | 06/09/1995 |
24 | ドキドキ学園祭 | Exciting School Festival | 13/09/1995 |
25 | 悪魔のキスは甘くない | A Devil’s Kiss Isn’t Sweet | 20/09/1995 |
26 | いつわりの結婚式 | The False Wedding Ceremony | 27/09/1995 |
27 | ウソ! 柳葉さまに恋人? | No Way! Captain Yanagiba Has a Lover? | 04/10/1995 |
28 | 恋する少女は最強よ! | Girls in Love are the Strongest! | 11/10/1995 |
29 | ハロウィンな魔女 | A Halloween-esque Witch | 18/10/1995 |
30 | グッバイ悪魔さま | Good-bye, Dear Devil | 25/10/1995 |
31 | 乱入! 恋のライバル | Trespassing! Rival for His Love | 01/11/1995 |
32 | マフラーに愛を込めて | Putting Your Love in a Muffler | 08/11/1995 |
33 | 戦場に咲いた恋 | The Love That Blossomed on the Battlefield | 15/11/1995 |
34 | 恋のあやつり人形 | The Marionette of Love | 22/11/1995 |
35 | 四人目の愛天使 | The Fourth Love Ange | 29/11/1995 |
36 | 一人ぼっちの愛天使 | The Lone Wolf Love Angel | 06/12/1995 |
37 | サルビアの涙 | Salvia's Tears | 13/12/1995 |
38 | お別れの熱いキス | Passionate Farewell Kiss | 20/12/1995 |
39 | 先生は悪魔? | The Teacher is a Devil? | 27/12/1995 |
40 | 愛が吸われちゃう! | My Love is Being Sucked Away! | 10/01/1996 |
41 | 恋愛ごっこ大スキー | Pretend Love, Great Skiing | 17/01/1996 |
42 | ゆりのく.ち.び.る | Yuri's Lips | 24/01/1996 |
43 | レインデビラの真実 | The Truth About Raindevila | 31/01/1996 |
44 | じゃ魔ピーの初恋 | Jama-P's First Love | 07/02/1996 |
45 | 帰ってきたママ | Mama’s Come Home | 14/02/1996 |
46 | 私の恋人は悪魔 | My Boyfriend is a Devil | 21/02/1996 |
47 | よみがえれ、愛の記憶 | Revive, Memories of Love | 28/02/1996 |
48 | 愛すれどせつなく | Loving is Painful | 06/03/1996 |
49 | 2人だけの夜 | The Night for Just the Two of Us | 13/03/1996 |
50 | 離れない心 | Inseparable Hearts | 20/03/1996 |
51 | ラスト・ウェディング | Last Wedding | 27/03/1996 |