Anime V magazine was a specialty anime publication from Gakken that focused on OVA and other non-broadcast anime home video releases. Anime V first began publication in 1985 and its final issue was published in July of 1998. Each issue had three or four prominent features each issue with colour pages and summaries, along with a variety of interviews and reader contributions in black & white.
The Wedding Peach DX OVA enjoyed several articles and a couple of decent spreads during its release. These images and articles are otherwise unpublished elsewhere, so it’s interesting to see them assembled together decades later. All images here are scanned for sharing by, please link back here if you enjoy using them. Kindly don’t repost these scans in ad-supported galleries.
Anime V Magazine – September 1996
This issue of Anime V features the boys of Gundam Wing on the cover while inside there’s an extensive look at the first artwork and designs from the Wedding Peach DX OVA. Included is an exclusive two page spread by OVA character designer, Ichiishi Sayuri, along with extensive character sheets for the first episode.
Anime V Magazine – December 1996
This issue of Anime V features Gundam Wing on the cover (like almost every magazine of this era!) but in the monthly review space, there’s also a fun little look at the first episode of Wedding Peach DX. Later in the issue, an ad for the first DX LD can be found.
Anime V Magazine – July 1997
This issue of Anime V features Future GPX Cyber Formula SAGA on the cover and is actually quite sparse on illustrated spreads, with a focus on articles about upcoming episodes instead. Notably, there’s a piece on the final episode of Wedding Peach DX which sees the three heroines body swapping with cats.