Your Premier Wedding Peach Resource
Welcome to, a growing resource focused on the 1994-1997 Japanese multimedia franchise, Ai Tenshi Densetsu Wedding Peach. Here you will find English language information on the series, as well as a variety of rare images and music for your enjoyment. Please look around and have a wonderful stay. We currently have 355 quality, original Wedding Peach scans for your enjoyment with more to come! All 10 regular series CD singles and CD albums are available to listen to as well. More multimedia is on its way, stay tuned!
Jun 04


I’ve received my first lot of CLUE x Wedding Peach jewellery so I’ve scanned the cards and packaging received with them to share with you all. You can find them in the new CLUE x Wedding Peach section of the Anime Gallery. I still have two additional orders coming (including the Saint Something Four) and will scan that packaging to share on here as well.

  • Number of new images added: 10

I hope this helps make up for my lack of updates lately due to real life getting in the way. Enjoy~!

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