Your Premier Wedding Peach Resource
Welcome to, a growing resource focused on the 1994-1997 Japanese multimedia franchise, Ai Tenshi Densetsu Wedding Peach. Here you will find English language information on the series, as well as a variety of rare images and music for your enjoyment. Please look around and have a wonderful stay. We currently have 355 quality, original Wedding Peach scans for your enjoyment with more to come! All 10 regular series CD singles and CD albums are available to listen to as well. More multimedia is on its way, stay tuned!
Dec 14


This time of year gets pretty hectic for us all, so I’m sure you can understand I’m struggling to find the time to add everything I want to add as quickly as I’d like to add it. I’m getting there, however, as I’ve got two more CD singles in the Music Archive. Both are not-for-sale items, the Wedding Peach Premium CD features an alternate version of the DX OP, while the Wedding Peach Christmas CD contains cover songs perfect for the holiday season!

I’ve also been able to add more new images to the Games and Software page in the Anime Gallery. These are scanned from my copy of the Wedding Peach Super Famicom game box and booklet, which I’m sure you’ll love checking out.

  • Number of new images added: 18

And finally, Yazawa-sensei has moved her site to a new server so I’ve fixed all the links to MOMO-YOME around the site. If you haven’t visited her website, make sure you check it out today — it’s a wonderful resource for Wedding Peach fans. Phew, that’s it for now! Hope some of this content keeps you entertained over the holidays~!

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