elcome to Weddingpeach.net, a growing resource focused on the 1994-1997 Japanese multimedia franchise, Ai Tenshi Densetsu Wedding Peach. Here you will find English language information on the series, as well as a variety of rare images and music for your enjoyment. Please look around and have a wonderful stay.

Shiori   May 8, 2019

Korean jewellery manufacturer Clue today revealed images from their second round of collaborative Wedding Peach jewellery. After fans voted, these items were included in the collection;

  • New necklaces
  • New earrings
  • Watches
  • A bracelet Saint Pendule
  • A Saint Something Old combo set

Overall the items unveiled today (haha) are a tad more ornate than the previously announced products and look fairly sizable and elaborate. I’m still trying to decide what items I want to get, what about you? Please refer to Clue’s Instagram post below for more information.


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웨딩 뷰티풀 플라워 ~ 성스러운 천사들의 인싸템이여 ! 클루X웨딩피치 2차 라인업 공개 ❣️ – 평소 착용하기 좋은 일코템부터 웨딩피치 원작 그대로를 재현한 덕후템 상품까지! – @ 어떤게 젤 예뻐? 나한테 어울리는거 추천해줘! – ☑️ 세인트 썸씽포는 추후 공개됩니다! ☑️ 5월 13일 클루 공식몰에서 사전구매가능! ? http://bitly.kr/l8ljtF ☑️클루 챗봇을 통해 웨딩피치 상품소식을 받으실 수 있어요! ☑️웨딩피치 1차 라인업이 궁금해? ? http://bitly.kr/l8ljtF ☑️ 궁금한 내용은 댓글을 또는 인스타 스토리를 통해 문의해주세요!

A post shared by 클루 (@clue_official) on

Shiori   May 5, 2019

I’ve started adding to a new section of the Anime Gallery, a section just for the Anime Comics released for the Wedding Peach TV series. These books tell stories from the anime using screens from the episode and were popular publications during the 90s. So far I’ve scanned cover and flap images from volumes 2 & 3 with more to come.

  • Number of new images added: 6

Don’t forget the Clue x Wedding Peach jewellery release this month — it’s without a doubt the biggest merchandise range the series has had in many years!

Shiori   May 1, 2019

Korean jewellery manufacturer Clue today revealed the first visuals of their collaborative Wedding Peach product range. After fans voted, the final lineup for sale was narrowed down to;

  • 4 x Necklaces (one design per angel)
  • 4 x Earrings (one design per angel)
  • 4 x Bracelets (one design per angel)
  • 6 x Rings (one design each for Lily & Salvia, 2 each for Peach & Daisy)
  • A special Saint Operation necklace

While offline preorders start at the beginning of the month, the general release of products from the range won’t be until the end of May. Please refer to Clue’s tweet below for more information, including details on their 10% discount offer. Exciting!!

Shiori   April 29, 2019

Sadly this doesn’t help those of us living vicariously through the Internet, but for those physically in South Korea, Clue will be holding an exclusive in-store only preorder event for its new Wedding Peach range between May 3rd-May 6th 2019. Attendees will be able to purchase the collaborative goods in advance and receive a 10% off voucher to boot.

Everyone else? Well, I guess we’ll just have to be patient! (But seriously, I’m exciteddddddd~!!)

Shiori   April 25, 2019

April has been a pretty hectic month, but I’ve managed to put together some new scans from the April 1996 issue of MEGU for the MEGU Magazine section of the Anime Gallery. I’ve never scanned these before and I haven’t spotted them online either, so they’re definitely worth viewing if you want to see some rare pics.

  • Number of new images added: 4

I’m not sure about anyone else but I’m started to get pretty excited about the Clue x Wedding Peach products debuting in Korea next month. I wonder what designs made the final cut? ^^

Shiori   April 2, 2019

The official Clue Twitter account has added some photos taken during their in-depth customer interview process. Fans were able to see samples and give their direct feedback and opinions regarding the items last month at this exclusive event. The final products will release in May 2019!

Shiori   March 31, 2019

Apologies for the delay in updates, I’ve been a bit under the weather this month. Never fear, I’m feeling human again and I’ve added some new scans to the MEGU Magazine section of the Anime Gallery. I have only shared one illustration from these on my Tumblr in the past so the rest of them should be a fun surprise worth checking out — lots of character designs!

  • Number of new images added: 7

A quick reminder to check out Pretty Orients’ Wedding Peach fan pins, mine have arrived and they’re absolutely gorgeous! If you’ve also designed any unique Wedding Peach fan goodies don’t hesitate to let me know, it’s all Peach all the time here.