Like other popular children’s manga magazines at the time, Ciao issues included furoku (bonus gifts) bundled with each edition. Furoku can take many forms including pre-packaged plastic toys and drawing materials, but during the 80s and 90s the most common furoku you’d receive with shoujo manga magazines were cardboard/paper goods and adhesives. During Wedding Peach‘s run in the magazine it enjoyed a decent level of popularity among readers, meaning it also received some snazzy furoku, much of which was illustrated by Yazawa Nao.
As with other Wedding Peach items, furoku from Ciao magazine in 1995 is difficult to come by and fairly expensive to obtain these days, but I am happy to share what I have in my personal collection with other fans. All images here are scanned for sharing by Weddingpeach.net, please link back here if you enjoy using them. Kindly don’t repost these scans in ad-supported galleries, use them to make any form of profit, or utilise them in any AI training.
Ciao 1995 January — Ciao Shin’nen Omedetou Seal
Welcome in the new year with a sheet of colourful adhesives perfect for using in a diary or on a calendar. This particular set of adhesives includes a fairly large ‘Happy New Year’ sticker of Hinagiku, Momoko and Yuri as illustrated by Yazawa Nao. Super cute!
Ciao 1995 January — Ciao 1995 Calendar
A common furoku item to receive with January issues of magazines is a calendar of some description, usually desktop or wall. In 1995 Wedding Peach featured on the Ciao wall calendar as the series displayed for the month of July, boasting a brand new illustration of the three leads and Yousuke at the beach by Yazawa-sensei.
Ciao 1995 September — Puchi Ciao 3 Daisuki COOKING BOOK
Apron Mamako no Ogenki Recipe takes the lead with this fun little cooking booklet full of recipes and tips suitable for primary school age children. Wedding Peach has a featured recipe in this book, the rather appropriately ring-shaped “Angel Mousse with Peach Sauce”. Later in the booklet various Ciao mangaka comment on their past experiences with cooking, including Yazawa-sensei which I have included though it isn’t Wedding Peach-related per se.
Ciao 1995 September — Rainbow Ciao Seal
This is a tiny set of adhesives featuring a variety of different Ciao series including media mix titles like Wedding Peach and Tonde Buurin. The stickers have a shimmering rainbow look to them that is hard to capture in a scan, but I’ve tried my best. The Wedding Peach art here has been provided by Yazawa-sensei.
Ciao 1995 October — Mejirushi CIAO Seal
A small, lightweight sheet of adhesives featuring all the major Ciao titles running at the time. Momoko in her school uniform, as illustrated by Yazawa-sensei, is featured on one customisable seal.
Ciao 1995 October — Zen’in Envelope
Technically not furoku, but still an interesting piece of manga history. Pre-addressed envelopes like these were included with each issue of Ciao so that young readers could mail in tokens and enter prize draws for exclusive “zen’in” items, including products featuring Wedding Peach. This particular envelope from October 1995 features a unique illustration of Peach by Yazawa-sensei.