Archive for the 'Gallery Updates' Category |

Apologies for the delay in updates, I’ve been a bit under the weather this month. Never fear, I’m feeling human again and I’ve added some new scans to the MEGU Magazine section of the Anime Gallery. I have only shared one illustration from these on my Tumblr in the past so the rest of them […]

The Manga Gallery was looking a bit empty so I decided to scan in the covers of all six original Wedding Peach manga tankoubon. You can find them in the Manga Covers section. If you’re a fan of Yazawa Nao’s artwork from the series you’ll definitely want to take a trip down memory lane and […]

Happy Birthday to our heroine, Momoko! In celebration I’ve added some more scans and (finally!) some of the written content I’ve been promising for weeks. I’ve written a comprehensive guide to the North American DVD Release of the Wedding Peach anime complete with images. You can find this in the History Section of the website […]

Apologies for the scant updates this month, I’ve been a touch unwell. Hopefully, I can make it up to you with 16 new Anime Gallery scans, all from the 4th Wedding Peach DVD Box Set! These scans include the box itself, the DVD covers, and the DVD booklet (with a new Salvia illustration drawn just […]

I finally got around to scanning from my copy of the Wedding Peach Game Boy game, Jama-Pii Panic. You can find the scans in the Games and Software section of the Anime Gallery. Number of new images added: 18 I haven’t seen scans from the game booklet around before, so hopefully, they prove interesting to […]

I’ve added the second original soundtrack, Music Bouquet 2, for you to access in the Music Archive section. There are lots of great instrumental tracks you might recognise from the series, along with a short drama included on the album. If music from the series doesn’t interest you, don’t worry, I’ve also added new scans […]

Big ‘ol weekend update as promised! I’ve added the Wedding Peach Dream Collection CD in the Music Archive section. Make sure you grab it for the image tracks that can’t be found elsewhere! I’ve also finally added a gallery of Animedia Magazine Scans to the Anime Gallery section. Included in this update are 10 new […]