The official website of the Ai Tenshi Seiki Wedding Apple media mix project is now online at! There isn’t a lot on the website at the moment, save for an introduction to the story, character profiles and seiyuu comments for the wedding angels, and names/images of secondary characters. More is expected to come in the future.
The Seigura website also added a new article featuring cast comments and a brief rundown on the project, noting that voiced chapters of the story (featuring the previously announced seiyuu) will be the first of various media mix projects related to the property. It’s fantastic to see Wedding Apple taking off as we move into another 30th anniversary year for Wedding Peach (2025 marking the third decade since the anime premiered).
No actual content update to this site for the moment, though I have joined some relevant fanlistings (in the column to your right) and added a couple of new links to the Website page. I’ll be back again soon with more Wedding Peach updates 🍑.